Build a Story Outline

  1. Name your story
  2. Choose an outline structure
  3. Set your page target
  4. Type short section descriptions through your outline
  5. Add scenes and short descriptions – when you have more than one you can rearrange scenes with drag and drop
  6. Delete a scene by clicking the trashcan icon
  7. Rename your story by clicking the “more” (3-dot) button
  8. Copy and Delete your story by clicking the “more” (3-dot) button.

Transcribe a Scene

  1.  In any outline Section click “Add Scene”
  2. Type a Scene Location (you can change this at any time)
  3. Enter Scene Notes (optional)
  4. Name your Characters: Click buttons 1-9 to name the characters in this scene
  5. Click the microphone icon. Transcribing an action line (or stage direction) is automatically first.
  6. Act out your scene, aloud. Tap a number key or click a number button to tag who-says-what as you perform everyone’s dialogue.

Export a Transcript

  1.  Click the “more” (3-dot) button (or your story name)
  2. Click “Download Story” to export your work.
  3. Choose to export your outline text only or your transcript. Click Download.
  4. Find the downloaded .txt file on your computer and open it in the screenwriting software of your choice.
  5. Click “formatted” or “script” in your writing app to parse the .txt file into a script.
  6. Specific screenwriting software instructions are below:

Frequently Asked Questions

To create a new story, click the name of your current story, and then select “New Story.”


To delete a story, copy a story, or export a story click the name of your story or the “3-dot” icon, and then select your story action.


You can change character names any moment you are not recording.

1. Click one of the number buttons 1-9.
2. Type a character name.

All of the characters in your story are saved to a cast. The cast is available by dropdown arrow on the name popup. If you have recurring groups of characters reappearing in scenes, you can carry those names forward:

1. Click the dropdown for “Reuse characters from…” button to work from another scene.
2. Select which scene you want to copy characters from.


1. Click the Microphone icon on any scene in your outline.

2. Number keys 1-9 represent the speaking characters in your scene.
3. When you click the “RECORD” button (a Microphone icon) automatically an Action Line or Stage Direction is the first thing you will dictate.
4. Each character has their own number. Just tap-and-release their number before speaking their dialogue…or you can use your mouse to click the correct number button.
5. Any time you need to add an Action Line or Stage Direction, press Number Key “0” …or click the Action button with your mouse.
6. Click the Pause icon to Stop…or spacebar.
On the “Talk Your Draft” number-pad popup you can add scenes by clicking the 3-dot hamburger in the top right corner. Click “Add Scene.”


On the list of scenes, click and drag the yellow “^” icon beside the location to drop the scenes in whatever order you want.


You can listen to the audio of your voice after you create a scene.

  1. Choose a scene from the list of your story’s scenes, click the “Talk Your Draft” button.
  2. Beneath the number keys you should see a gray “audio player.”
  3. Press the “play” button to listen.
  4. Beside the volume icon, click the “3-dot” more button to change playback speed, or to download the audio file.


Deleting and editing text happens later as soon as you’re finished with your Talking Draft.

(You edit in Final Draft, FadeIn, WriterDuet, ScriptStudio, Highland, Trelby, ArcStudio, StudioBinder, Squibler, Storyist, ScriptStudio, Scenarist)
We are engineered to kick off flowstate creativity for your fast first draft. The vomit draft. The Talking Draft.
Pro-tip: leave yourself a note as NAME-9 or a # not assigned if you must.


1. Click the “profile” icon in the top-right of the app screen.
2. Click “Add Transcription Minutes”
You have choices:
– buy a chunk of 100 minutes for $3

– buy a discounted pile of 300 minutes for $6
– buy a money-saving tranche of 500 minutes for $8
– refer a friend for 10 free minutes. (100 mins max)
When your friend accepts your referral code, your friend gets 10 minutes free too!


Open Fade-In
Click: File > Import > Formatted Text (.txt)
Select the .txt file that you downloaded from


1. Open Final Draft.
2. Click: File > Open
3. Select the .txt file that you downloaded from
4. Click “Script”


Log into
1. From your Projects Panel click “Import”
2. Select “Screenplay” from the “Document Template” drop-down.
3. Click “Your Computer” to select the .txt file that you downloaded from
4. Click ‘open.”


In Script Studio
1. Select “Script” as your Screenplay Content
2. Click “File”
3. Click “Import”
4. Make sure to select Import File as a “Script”
5. Click “Import”
6. Select the .txt file that you downloaded from
7. Click “Open”


In Highland
Click “File > Open” and select the .txt file that you downloaded from
Automatically format it into a screenplay by clicking “File > Convert to Highland”

In Movie Magic Screenwriter
Click “File > Import” and select the .txt file that you downloaded from
Automatically format it into a screenplay by leaving the default settings of “How Should I Interpret This Text?” Import Text in Script Format
Text Only (non-RTF)
Use most aggressive interpretation of the source text
Leave Everything else as is. Click “OK”


Desktop web browser with microphone enabled
(Chrome 49+ | Edge 79+ | Safari 15+ | Firefox 65+)
Or a mobile browser with microphone enabled.

Our app can automatically detect which language you are speaking and transcribe it. The languages we support are:
English, Spanish, Hindi, Norwegian, Japanese, Russian, Dutch, Ukrainian, Tamil, Swedish, Chinese, Taiwanese, Portuguese, Danish, Polish, Turkish, French, German, Indonesian, Korean, Italian.


Nothing users say into the TalkingDraft app is used to train any kind of large language model AI like GPT. Likewise, nothing users type into the free scriptoutliner beatsheet calculator will ever be analyzed by any kind of AI. Your creations are yours. We are writers ourselves, we would never build a tool that replaces writers with AI. Gross. These policies are outlined in our Terms

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